Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trying to Motivate 2008

Trying to Motivate...
Posted Mar 5, 2009 1:23pm

Wow, it has been a really long time since I have updated my care page. I am sorry it has been so long to those that have been following my health by this page alone. I kept thinking, "after this next appointment or this next treatment I will update my page. There is no point until I have some more answers." But, I have realized there are no answers to anything at the moment. Nothing has really changed since December. No one is any more certain about a diagnosis or lack there of.

I had what was supposed to be my last treatment of chemo on February 18th, but at the doctors appointment before chemo they told Cheston and me they were not feeling too positive about only giving me those three treatments. Therefore, I will be having chemo again on the 18th of this month. I told them it was fine, I will have as many treatments as they deem fit, I just want to stop being sick. This last treatment was a lot harder than the previous ones. They upped the dose and I could definitely tell the difference. I felt a lot worse the next week almost. My fabulous friend Rachel took time off of work and a day off of school to come and stay with me Thursday night through Sunday. It was nice to have her here, although I slept the majority of the time. I have to say I can not seem to get enough sleep these days. I seem to have my days and nights mixed up though. I stay up late and sleep a lot during the day. Then I have those days where I sleep all night and all day. After my last treatment (it was a Wednesday) I slept from Saturday night until Tuesday afternoon. I guess that is the nature of the beast. (Or treatment.)

I am still battling the Warfarin war. (haha get it? WARfarin WAR. I'm a dork.) I go to the heart clinic every week thanks to my wonderful Aunt Deb who has to take me. I swing from 5.6 down to 1.1 in a week. No one is sure why I am so sensitive to it. So that is a constant battle.

I had an MRI this past week. I went on Thursday to have a 2 hour MRI of my brain and spine, and they had to reschedule it because it was ordered with contrast and I am not allowed to have contrast unless I have dialysis afterward to get rid of it. So, I went back on Sunday to have it done because Dr. Burkart said ABSOLUTELY NO CONTRAST. MY 2 hour MRI ended up being an hour and a half. Well, I get a call the next day (which was Monday, the snow day:) and I had to go back last night (Wednesday) to get some more pictures done. We do not have the results yet, and as soon as I know something I will post it. I am going to add some pictures of the dogs from the snow day, take a look at how much fun they had in the snow. They absolutely loved it.

Enough about the medical aspect. I know I said I sleep A LOT, and I mean A LOT, but I also lay in bed and watch quite a bit of TV. HGTV is my new favorite channel. It makes me feel like I should be doing something around here though. Dad and Vicky came into town a month or so ago and redecorated three rooms in our house. It looks fabulous. I love it. We get so many compliments on it. There are so many other little things that need to be done around here, but I start on it and I think, "You know, I don't want to do this anymore." Then I stop and go back to bed. I wish I was motivated enough to do some stuff I want to get done. But I am not. And that is okay I have learned. It was a very hard lesson for me to learn. It's very hard for me to do nothing. I always feel like I need to be productive.

I have decided I am going to start a book club though. I have been working on getting that together. I am really excited about it. If anyone wants to join let me know. I will be sending out evites and info about it soon. I have been reading so much lately and I hate not being able to talk about it with anyone, so it has inspired me to get a book club together.

Mentally I think I am feeling better. I have been getting a little cabin fever, and I feel like going to school and getting some things packed up in my room. There is a new middle school opening and I am moving to that school to teach only 8th grade. I am really excited about it. I figure if I am thinking about work I must be feeling better. Before I couldn't think of anything but how bad I felt.

On a heavier note, a friend of mine from high school had a baby last week, and he was born with a rare skin disease. He is in the NICU at Baptist. I wanted to let all you prayer warriors know so you could put their family on your prayer list. His name is Jonah. I am adding the link to their story in here because it is a very touching one. Patrice and Matt lost their first baby at 37 weeks and this baby boy is very sick. So far there are over 2,000 people across the country praying for this amazing baby boy. Here is the link, please read and pray.

Also, please continue to pray for my grandparents. I love them so much, and I hate to see them in the condition they are in. Nana is finally settled in a nursing home, but she is not liking it very much. Pop, bless his heart, goes to see her every day. He is not in very good condition either, but he is determined to see the love of his life every day.

I think this is it for now. Thanks again for all the prayers and concern!
Much Love,

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